I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience,
bearing with one another in love,
(Ephesians 4:1-2)
The primary purpose of Walking Points is to encourage you and share some next steps for your journey with Jesus. One of my greatest desires is to help folks flourish as followers of Jesus in every sphere of their lives. I hope and pray the resources you discover here and at my website, DaleTedder.com, will help you know God better, love him more deeply, follow him more faithfully, and become more like him each and every day. Thanks for checking out the newsletter. Make sure to subscribe and share with others if it adds value to you.
After you have signed up (for the low price of “FREE”) I will start sending out a midweek devotion on Wednesdays and a weekly review on Fridays so you can see if there’s anything you missed during the week that may be of interest to you. These emails will go out only on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I will not flood your email box with stuff. But by all means, please subscribe so you won’t miss anything.
Dale Tedder
Have you had a chance to listen to the new podcast. There are presently over 20 episodes ready for you to listen. So far, they cover everything from…
spiritual growth
ministering to men and other “godly manhood” stuff
dealing with temptation
and lots of other things for good measure.
There are also weekly conversations with some pastor friends of mine about how to “think Christianly.” They’re good fun and I think you’ll enjoy them.
You can listen to them by CLICKING HERE or listing to them wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
My website is your place for “one stop shopping” for FREE resources and has links to my bookstore where you can purchase my books and Bible studies if you desire. But this is primarily a personal ministry and I want you to be able to get the helpful resources you need at the low, low cost of FREE (except the books… but who knows when there may be some special deals on them coming your way).
Click DaleTedder.com to read the latest posts and prayers or watch one of the Bible studies I am presently teaching or have taught in the past. You can also discover where I am on social media so we can connect there. I’m even branching out on YouTube, but this is way outside of my comfort (and ability) zone, so I’m moving slowly.
Last, but by no means least, you must check out my church’s website: Southside Methodist Church. It’s phenomenal and will let you know when we worship, information about our Bible studies and Life groups, special events, service and fellowship opportunities, and much, much more.