John 8:23-24, 31-32 - But [Jesus] continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. [24] I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.”
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. [32] Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
To the Point
Jesus rarely, if ever, beat around the bush. Time was precious to him, so he usually cut straight to the chase. He knew how to get the attention of his hearers. In our Scripture, Jesus shared with those to whom he was speaking several important facts about them and the world in which they lived.
They were worldlings (i.e., they operated under the dominion of Satan and the patterns of this sinful, fallen, enslaving world.
Jesus lived in the world but was not under its influence as they were. (in vs. of)
As such, they were going to die in their sins.
They must believe Jesus’ claims about himself if they were going to be rescued from dying in their sins.
To “believe” means more than (though not less than) simple intellectual recognition, or even acceptance of data. To those who professed to believe in him (verse 31), Jesus said they must also “hold to his teaching.”
Therefore, only by genuine faith in Christ – which “holds to” (i.e., obeys) his teaching – can a person know the truth (Jesus is the truth, John 14:6, and so is God’s Word, John 17:17). It is also by this means of believing or faith that a person will, therefore, be set free from both the bondage and condemnation of sin.
Doers, Not Believers Only
True, biblical, and God-glorifying faith in Christ has teeth to it. It’s got a practicality that demands to be noticed. It’s unlikely the early church was so heavily persecuted and martyred simply because they intellectually accepted particular truth-claims about Jesus and then told others they needed to do the same.
Instead, because they believed Jesus was who he claimed to be and thus loved him, they therefore obeyed him. Put another way: They put their faith into practice. (This is not works-righteousness, but it is a faith that bears much good and lasting fruit.)
As their faith in Christ permeated every sphere of their lives, they began to be noticed by the worldlings around them. It was this authentic non-conformity to the world around them that led to their persecution. They refused to be “squeezed into the mold” of this world (Romans 12:2).
The Shape of Discipleship
If we would be people of the truth, we must be Christ’s disciples. If we would be his disciples, we must believe in him, trust him, and obey him. Nothing less is worthy of the One who is the true Lord and King of the universe, which includes this world.
The “Pretenders to the Throne” notwithstanding, (their reign, after all, is temporary), our allegiance must be to Christ alone. And that allegiance has a shape to it. It is not mere intellectual ascent of a few doctrinal propositions (though it includes that). It is not simply a warm-fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach. It is far more. Allegiance to Christ is incarnational. It has skin on it. It has teeth to it. If we would be his, we must submit to his Lordship – his absolute authority – by obeying him in every sphere of our lives. Only then can we rightly claim to be his disciples.
Walking Points
How is obeying Jesus after you have placed your trust in him different than seeking to earn your salvation?
In what areas of your life is it hardest to live faithfully as a Christian? Why do you think that is?
What are three ways you can equip yourself to more faithfully “hold to” Jesus’ teachings in the various spheres of your life? What would faithfulness in each area look like?
Take a minute to pray right now and then share your ideas with a friend who will also pray for you and hold you accountable.
Heavenly Father, I know I cannot earn my salvation. I cannot, by my own efforts, merit your favor. I do not deserve the wonderful relationship with you that you have graciously called me to. And yet, O Lord, protect me from believing the lie that I don’t have to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Please lead me away from thinking joyful obedience to your commands is not a sign of my love for you. To increasingly become more like your Son will mean conformity to his likeness in my thoughts, words, deeds, and desires. Yet, in and of myself, I cannot move in that direction. I humbly ask you to fill me more and more with your Spirit so I can become the person you have created, redeemed, and called me to be. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for this clear and convicting message.
Thank you for this. It is an excellent way to start this beautiful morning.