The Sacred Stillness
Evening Peace: A Quiet Time of Prayer and Reflection Before Sleep
Tonight’s Verse
Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10a
In our fast-paced world, stillness has become something of a lost art. The evening hours often find us still rushing, our minds racing with the day’s unfinished tasks or tomorrow’s looming responsibilities. Yet here, in this beautiful, even weighty invitation from Psalm 46, we find God’s remedy for our restless hearts: “Be still.”
The Hebrew word for “be still” (raphah) literally means to “let go” or “release.” It’s a command, but one wrapped in tender mercy. God isn’t harshly demanding our stillness; rather, he's inviting us to release our grip on all that we’re trying to control and to sink into the reality of who he is.
Notice the connection: “Be still and know.” True knowing of God doesn’t come through frantic activity or endless study, but through stillness. It’s in these quiet moments, when we finally cease our striving, that we can most clearly perceive his presence and power.
As A.W. Tozer wisely observed: “God is looking for those who will worship him in quiet waiting, and he is worthy to be waited for.” This evening, God extends the same invitation to you - to set aside all distractions and simply be still in his presence.
The second part of the verse, “know that I am God,” reminds us why we can dare to be still. We aren’t being still in a void; we’re being still before the sovereign Lord of all creation. When we truly know that he is God - that he is in control, that his power is absolute, that his love is unfailing - we can finally release our anxious thoughts and rest in his sufficiency.
Sovereign Lord, in the quiet of this evening hour, help me to truly be still. I release into your capable hands all my worries, my plans, and my need to control. Quiet my racing thoughts and calm my anxious heart. Help me to know - not just in my mind, but in the depths of my soul - that you are God, and that you are good. May this knowledge bring deep peace as I prepare for rest. Watch over me through the night hours, and fill me with your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This Evening Peace devotional encourages us to embrace the stillness God invites us into. As we lay down our worries, we can find rest in the tender assurance that he is God, and he is with us always.
Very much needed this evening. Thank you