Just over 23 years ago I began a men’s weekly discipleship ministry with the hope that a few men would gather together around God’s Word and be saturated and transformed by it. I prayed with all my heart that these men would be renewed and revived. I hoped in God that biblical, God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Spirit-filled disciples would be born – men who would change the world – beginning with themselves, then in and through their families, workplaces, churches, communities, the culture, and then perhaps, one day, even the world. God honors such efforts. Reformation and revival happen in such ways.
Not very long after that ministry began, I stumbled upon a book that revolutionized my faith, my ministry, and my life. It helped shape and solidify not only my understanding of Christianity as an all-encompassing world and life view but also inspired me to help these same men see their faith through the same lens.
The book is entitled, The Micah Mandate, by George Grant. (Get this book!) It’s a marvelous, God-honoring study of what a biblical worldview is and how it should ignite those who hold it dear. Up to that point I had read every book around on the subject of Christian worldview – but those books always seemed to focus on the abstract and philosophical perspective of worldview. Grant’s book expanded my world and broadened my horizons. He emphasized the notion that the idea of worldview isn’t something merely for the ivory towers of academia, but for every Christian and for all of life. Our worldview – our treasured faith – is for every sphere of life. I haven’t been the same since.
My prayer for the men of the church I serve remains today what it was all those years ago. That God would penetrate their hearts, minds, and souls with his Word, so thoroughly, that he would cultivate in their (our) lives a framework (worldview) for viewing, interpreting, and applying their faith in every sphere of life. God has been pleased to work mightily in the lives of many of our men in such a way. I have witnessed firsthand God’s reforming and reviving work as men take the up the challenge to go deep with the Lord Jesus Christ and trust and follow him to whatever end.
Thanks be to God!
My book, The Reign of the King: Discipleship for Every Sphere of Life, focuses on many of the same issues George Grant addresses in his book. In addition, for each chapter there is an in-depth Bible study with helpful questions for discussion and personal reflection. It’s ideal for personal study or for your small group or larger Bible study. Click here to learn more about it and purchase it.