Here are some brief thoughts on developing accountable relationships…
2 Corinthians 13:5 – “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you–unless, of course, you fail the test?”
Swimming Against the Current
Examining where you are in your walk with Christ, a couple of times each year, isn’t a bad idea. In fact, some consider it a key to your Christian growth. It helps you assess whether or not you are moving forward in your relationship with Christ, standing still…or actually moving backward.
If we think of our spiritual life as swimming in the ocean, then we can picture ourselves having to kick with our legs and pull with our arms with all our might toward the shore (which, spiritually speaking, is Christlikeness). For if we aren't intentionally and fiercely seeking to move in that direction, then we will drift in the wrong direction (thinking we're staying put by treading water). Sadly, reality will eventually reveal to us that we were actually drifting farther and farther away from our desired goal and were moving with the current the whole time. If we “tread water” in our spiritual lives, we will drift with the current of the age and not in a Godward direction.
But rejoice, if you are truly in Christ then there is good news. The apostle Paul says in Philippians 1:6 that he was confident that God who began a good work in you would carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. In other words, God’s not going to give up on you. All things are possible in his strength and grace.
So, pray for a fresh filling of God’s Spirit in your life to help you persevere in “swimming” the race set before you… and doing so in the right direction. And rejoice that you don’t have to swim it alone. It is vital to remember that it is the Spirit of God who gives you the power, desire, and direction to reach your destination.
But Not Swimming Alone
And yet, there are also brothers and sisters in Christ who are invested in seeing you finish your journey with Christ well. An accountable relationship can be a faithful tool in the hands of a godly friend. But it often takes time to develop these trusting and open relationships with such people. Yet it’s worth the effort.
Below are a few links to some great articles on the subject of accountability as well as some pages of penetrating accountability questions for you to ponder regarding how you’re doing in your faith.
And, as always, let me know what I can do to help you. It’s why I’m here.
Accountability Resources
Accountability by Ken Boa – Great article on the subject. A must read.
Are You Leading A Hazardous Life? by Jeff Miller – These are the questions/statements that I read aloud this morning.
How to Conquer a Secret Thought Life by Pat Morley – Morley knows men. This is a great article on dealing with the garbage that’s already in your head…and how to keep more garbage from finding its way into your head.
Accountability: Who Do You Answer To? by Pat Morley – Good practical tools on how to gather with other men for the purpose of holding one another accountable in your faith…which includes every sphere of your life.
And, of course, I should mention the Spiritual Life Checkup that I put together.
I hope these resources will serve you well as you pursue the likeness of Christ in your life…for every sphere of your life.