Holy Tuesday
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)
Call to Worship
Leader: Behold our Christ, lifted high on a cross!
People: Behold our Christ, crucified and exalted!
Leader: Those who serve God must expect self-sacrifice, and those who would be glorified with Christ must be prepared to be crucified with Christ!
People: Let us worship the God of the crucified One, praying for the courage of discipleship!
Hymn: “Amazing Grace” No. 378
Prayer of Confession
Blessed God, we are ashamed to admit the lengths to which we have gone in order to turn your Gospel into an easy path, despite the words and example of Jesus about the grave hazards of discipleship. Forgive us, we pray, and teach us that if we are doing the acceptable and the popular, we are not doing the Gospel; and if we are comfortable rather than crucified, we will not be glorified. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 49:1-7
Psalm of Response: Psalm 71:1-14
Gospel Lesson: John 12:20-36
Apostles’ Creed
Prayers of the People & Lord’s Prayer
Epistle Lesson: 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Reflections on God’s Word