Holy Week 2024
Good morning,
At our church we have a morning devotional service in our chapel during Holy Week. It’s a special time to worship our Lord during Holy Week, bright and early each morning, watching the sun rise as we finish up each service. I thought I would share the order of worship for each morning so you could read the Scripture and pray the prayers, etc. Also, the hymn is linked to a video on YouTube so you can even sing if you would like.
The Lord bless you,
Holy Monday
For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance… (Hebrews 9:15a)
Call to Worship
Leader: Christ Jesus has made a tremendous sacrifice for us!
People: Jesus presented his life to God and suffered death for us and our redemption!
Leader: The death of Christ dispensed with our need to trust in our own dead works!
People: The death of Christ dispelled death itself! Thanks be to God, whom we gather to worship this day!
Hymn “To God Be the Glory” No. 98
Prayer of Confession
Most Holy God, you gave us redemption in the person of One willing to die for us. Give us by your Spirit the ability to express our appreciation for Jesus’ sacrifice: that in word and deed we may be filled with the new life and freedom that you have most graciously provided in him. In his precious name we pray. Amen.
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm of Response Psalm 71:1-14
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 9:11-15
Prayers of the People
Gospel Lesson John 12:1-11
Reflections on God’s Word
Dismissal with Blessing